Wrongful Death/Auto Accident Settlement—$1,297,500.00

A truck was hauling a large piece of equipment for delivery.  The truck was traveling between 7 and 14 m.p.h. on the Interstate at night.  It was equipped with insufficient lighting.  The equipment was initially hit by an SUV.  The impact disabled the SUV in the middle of the roadway.  The truck stopped and blocked the right-hand and emergency lanes.  Plaintiff’s husband was driving in the right-hand lane and collided with the truck.  He passed away shortly after the accident.  Plaintiff was a passenger in the vehicle and suffered multiple fractures.  Our South Carolina wrongful death attorneys brought an action against the driver, the owner of the piece of equipment and the business that sold the piece of equipment for negligence, wrongful death and loss of consortium.  The parties settled for $1,297,500.00.

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